Through government forced integration, between White people and those not White, our once prosperous and mighty super power, has been brought to its knees.
The land, liberty and prosperous, happy lives that our forefathers had planned out for us, fought for, and died for, for us, is itself dying a slow, agonizing death, at the hands of a vicious, hostile parasite, bent on world domination. Our birthrights have been stolen from us by a band of desert cut throats who our founders had once banned from ever stepping foot here, under penalty of death, and with good reason.
These cut throats are now in control of our entire government, military, media, entertainment, art, music and yes, most assuredly, our education system.
The millions upon millions of well documented examples of overwhelming black on White hate crimes, like the rape and murder of our women and children, which cannot be explained away with sorry excuses like negro poverty due to White oppression, and the perpetual and total media silence about it, is is but one of a convoluted and disturbingly omnipresent mass of social ills, foisted upon us by a foreign enemy, posing as our most trusted ally.
This systematic breakdown of society and the loss of our will to fight back against it, has also been forced upon us by alien outsiders, non-Whites, and worse, through our one and only weakness:
Compassion for other (lesser) races.
A trait found exclusively amongst White people, who as a long term result of fighting for the rights of, and then being abused by, these racial groups, now have no group identity of their own at all. Neither do they have any physical, moral or legal defence against whatever racial attacks from non-Whites may be directed at them, such as every other social group out there does.
It is also because of our compassion for these outsiders that Whites are now the only ones capable of "hate", according to the cut throats who control the media along with public opinion because of its far reaching influence.
From the family wrecking feminist movement, to the hijacked government's policy of blacks and browns being forced into White neighborhoods and schools, to disgusting and primitive, disease ridden and criminal invaders from south of the border flooding in by the millions to crap all over our lettuce, and everything else that's wrong in between, these parasitic nation wreckers are who, and what is behind all these ills that have ultimately destroyed us.
As they have destroyed so many other civilizations in the past, for thousands of years.